Ok, the whole thing is done and dusted - Thank you everybody for your
input. Apologies if I sometimes missed the obvious. For the sake of
anyone having the same problems and happens across this post, I learned

- The result of a cursor assignment cannot be row counted, unless you
iterate through it
- Fetching a row at the end of a cursor returns an empty set
- Fancy IDEs can be deceiving, especially when trying to debug a

Included below is the finished procedure.

Thanks again,


-----Original Message-----

       cur_overlap refcursor;
       new_id INTEGER;
       row_one record;
       row_two record;
       clashes record;

        LOCK TABLE calendar_entries IN EXCLUSIVE MODE;

        SELECT INTO clashes * FROM bookings WHERE (start_date, end_date)
OVERLAPS (new_start_date - interval '1 day',new_end_date + interval '1
day') AND property_id = prop_id LIMIT 1;


                DELETE FROM calendar_entries WHERE property_id = prop_id
AND (start_date >= new_start_date) AND (end_date <= new_end_date);

                OPEN cur_overlap FOR EXECUTE 'SELECT *, pg_class.relname
AS table FROM calendar_entries, pg_class WHERE (start_date, end_date)
OVERLAPS (DATE ''' || new_start_date || ''' - interval ''2 days'', DATE
''' || new_end_date || ''' + interval ''2 days'') AND property_id = ' ||
prop_id || ' AND pg_class.oid = calendar_entries.tableoid ORDER BY
                FETCH cur_overlap INTO row_one;
                FETCH cur_overlap INTO row_two;         

        IF (row_two.id IS NULL) THEN

            /* We're overlapping one row. Either we're enveloped by a
single row,
               or we have one row overlapping either the start date or
the end

            IF (row_one.start_date <= new_start_date) AND
(row_one.end_date >= new_end_date) THEN
               /* We're enveloped. The enveloping row needs to be split
in to
                  two so that we can insert ourselves. */

               IF row_one.table = into_table THEN

                  /* This period is already marked appropriately. Do
nothing. */
                  RETURN row_one.id;


                   /* We need to perform a split/insert.

                      1. Adjust the end date of the enveloping row to
the new
                         start - 1 day.

                      2. Insert a new row as the same type as the
enveloping row
                         from new_end_date + 1 to the existing end date.

                      3. Insert the new row in to the required table */

                   EXECUTE 'UPDATE ' || row_one.table || ' SET end_date
= DATE ''' || new_start_date || ''' - interval ''1 day'' WHERE id = ' ||
                   EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || row_one.table || '
(property_id, start_date, end_date) VALUES (' || prop_id || ', DATE '''
|| new_end_date || ''' + interval ''1 day'', DATE ''' ||
row_one.end_date || ''')';
                   EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || into_table || '
(property_id, start_date, end_date) VALUES (' || prop_id || ', DATE '''
|| new_start_date || ''', DATE ''' || new_end_date || ''')';
                   SELECT currval('calendar_id_seq') INTO new_id;
                   RETURN new_id;
               END IF;
            ELSIF row_one.start_date <= new_start_date THEN

                                /* This row is earlier than the proposed
period - It's overlapping
                   our start date - But is it of the same type? */

                                IF row_one.table = into_table THEN

                    /* A single row overlapping the start only and of
the same
                       type - Update the end date and return the
existing row ID */

                                        EXECUTE 'UPDATE ' || into_table
|| ' SET end_date = DATE ''' || new_end_date || ''' WHERE id = ' ||
                                        RETURN row_one.id;

                    /* Single row, overlapping the start, and of a
different type.
                       Trim back the existing row and Insert and return
                       newly generated ID. */

                    EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || into_table ||
'(property_id, start_date, end_date) VALUES (' || prop_id || ', DATE '''
|| new_start_date || ''', DATE ''' || new_end_date || ''')';
currval('calendar_id_seq') INTO new_id;
                                        RETURN new_id;

                                END IF;

                        ELSIF row_one.start_date > new_end_date THEN

                                /* This period is after the proposed
period */

                                IF row_one.table = into_table THEN

                    /* Single row, overlapping the end, and of the same
                       Update the start_date of the existing row, and
return it's
                       id. */
                                        EXECUTE 'UPDATE ' || into_table
|| ' SET start_date = DATE ''' || new_start_date || ''' WHERE id = ' ||
                                        RETURN row_one.id;


                    /* Single row, overlapping the end, and of a
different type.
                       Update the existing rows start_date, insert a new
                       and return the new ID. */

                    EXECUTE 'UPDATE ' || into_table || ' SET start_date
= DATE ''' || new_end_date || ''' + interval ''1 day''';
                                        EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' ||
into_table || ' (property_id, start_date, end_date) VALUES (' || prop_id
|| ', DATE ''' || new_start || ''',DATE ''' || new_end || ''')';
currval('calendar_id_seq') INTO new_id;
                                        RETURN new_id;

                                END IF;                         

                        END IF;

                ELSIF (row_one.id IS NOT NULL AND row_two.id IS NOT

            /* Two rows */

                        IF (row_one.table = into_table) AND
(row_two.table = into_table) THEN

                /* Two overlapping/adjactent rows, both of the same type
as the
                   new entry. Delete the second row, and adjust the
end_date of
                   the first to stretch across until the end o the old

                                EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM ' || into_table ||
' WHERE id = ' || row_two.id;
                EXECUTE 'UPDATE ' || into_table || ' SET end_date = DATE
''' || row_two.end_date || ''' WHERE id = ' || row_one.id;
                                RETURN row_one.id;

                        ELSIF row_one.table = into_table THEN

                /* Two overlapping/adjacent rows, only the row
overlapping the
                   start is of the same type. Adjust the end date of
this row to
                   be the end date of the new row.*/

                                EXECUTE 'UPDATE ' || into_table || ' SET
end_date = DATE''' || new_end_date || ''' WHERE id = ' || row_one.id;

                RETURN row_one.id;

                        ELSIF row_two.table = into_table THEN

                /* Two overlapping/adjacent rows, only the row
overlapping the
                   end is of the same type. Adjust the start date of
this row
                   to be the start date of the new row.*/

                                EXECUTE 'UPDATE ' || into_table || ' SET
start_date = DATE ''' || new_start_date || ''' WHERE id = ' ||
                                RETURN row_two.id;


                /* Two overlapping/adjacent rows, neither of which are
of the
                   same type as the new row */

                                EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || into_table ||
' (property_id, start_date, end_date) VALUES (' || prop_id || ', DATE
''' || new_start_date || ''', DATE ''' || new_end_date || ''')';
                                SELECT currval('calendar_id_seq') INTO
                                RETURN new_id;

                        END IF;
             /* Row one is null too! We have nothing to fear. Go ahead
                insert it */
                                EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || into_table ||
' (property_id, start_date, end_date) VALUES (' || prop_id || ', DATE
''' || new_start_date || ''', DATE ''' || new_end_date || ''')';
                                SELECT currval('calendar_id_seq') INTO
                                RETURN new_id;
        END IF;

       RAISE EXCEPTION 'Operation aborted: Clashing booking detected';

   END IF;

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