On Fri, 16 Sep 2005, Kenneth Dombrowski wrote:

> I can't get this one to work at all:
> create or replace function update_rate (integer, integer, integer,
>         integer, numeric, integer)
> returns void
> as '
>         declare
>                 x_admin_id              alias for $1;
>                 x_developer_id          alias for $2;
>                 x_client_id             alias for $3;
>                 x_project_id            alias for $4;
>                 x_rate                  alias for $5;
>                 x_rate_id               alias for $6;
>                 x_meta_id               alias for $7;
>         begin
>         perform update_lastmod (x_meta_id, x_admin_id);
>         update rates_tbl set
>                 developer_id    = x_developer_id ,
>                 client_id       = x_client_id ,
>                 project_id      = x_project_id ,
>                 rate            = x_rate
>         where rate_id = x_rate_id ;
>         return ;
>         end;
>         ' language plpgsql;
> invoicer=> select update_rate(1, 1, 10, NULL, numeric '90.00', 6, 216);
> ERROR:  function update_rate(integer, integer, integer, "unknown",
> numeric, integer, integer) does not exist
> HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You may
> need to add explicit type casts.

Umm, it looks to me like you're trying to pass 7 parameters to a function
that takes 6 in the above.

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