> Most of the inheritance i've seen done in databases retain the parent primary 
> as a foreign key and a primary key. That being said, only you and your team 
> can decide if more than one object will extend a base class. If you were 
> doing something more like this
> person -> sweepstakes entry
> to model a sweepsakes entry is a person, and you allow a person to enter a 
> sweepstakes more than once, but to enter a contest the user must provide a 
> unique email address, then you could not just use a foreign key as the 
> primary key in sweepstakes, since the primary key would disallow multiple 
> entries in sweepstakes entry, you would then use a serial data type in both 
> person and sweepstakes along with the foriegn key in sweepstakes from person.
> The answer depends on the need. Hope that helps.

Thanks Russ, but well...
It doesn't help me a lot. Our needs seem to allow that we use an id as
primary key and foreign key at the same time.
What i fear more is that it be against a good database design practice,
because leading to potential problems.

I give a clearer example :

id_actor serial PRIMARY KEY,
arg1 type1,
arg2 type2

arg3 type3,
arg4 type4

Don't you think it is a BAD design ?
If it isn't, well, it will expand my database practices.


David Pradier -- Directeur Technique de Clarisys Informatique -- Chef de projet 
logiciels libres / open-source

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