Mario Splivalo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have a query that does COUNT, LEFT JOIN and GROUP BY from two tables.
> One has 85000 records, and other has 1000000 records. I've been running
> the tests on 7.4.3,

Your later message shows 7.4.8.  Which is it?

> But, now I downloaded postgres 7.4.9, and i'm running the very same
> query on the very same database with all the indices and constraints
> beeing the same (also SET ENABLE_SEQSCAN TO OFF), and I get around
> 90-110 seconds.

You sure it's the very same?  The version outputs suggest that these
might be two different machines; certainly two very different compilers
were used.  One thing I'd wonder about is whether both databases were
initialized in the same locale.

                        regards, tom lane

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