Mario Splivalo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> biblio3=# select * from php_get_subfield_data_repeating(1,'606a');
>  php_get_subfield_data_repeating1
> ----------------------------------
>  (Anđeli)
>  (ofsajd)
> (2 rows)

> I have return values in parentheses.

You're getting bit by plpgsql's perhaps-excessive willingness to convert
datatypes.  Your returnValue variable is not a varchar, it is a record
that happens to contain one varchar field.  When you do "RETURN NEXT
returnValue", plpgsql has to coerce that record value to varchar, and
it does that by converting the record value to text ... which produces
the parenthesized data format specified at

                        regards, tom lane

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