Kyle Bateman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have a query:
> insert into mtr_reg_v_wt (ropnum, inum, pnum, rquant, value, status, 
> ddate, fr_proj, to_proj) values (28985,1,1014,1,(select cost from 
> prd_part where pnum = 1014),'work','2005-Nov-15',50,75);

> That used to work fine under 7.1.3 but now gives the error:

> ERROR:  cannot handle unplanned sub-select

You need to offer a little more context, like what PG version you are
using now and what is the underlying DDL --- I suspect some rules or
views are involved here, but you didn't show them to us.

                        regards, tom lane

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