Title: psql in the command line


I need some help regarding psql syntax.
I would like to copy text files into the database from the command line in a script.
I have found already how can I do it as user postrgres:

test:/opt/pgsql# echo "copy test from '/data/log/bla';" | psql logdb

But when I try to execute it as root user I get the following error:

[est/data/log] su - postgres -c "echo 'copy test from /data/log/bla;'| psql logdb"
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "/" at character 16
LINE 1: copy test from /data/log/bla;
I have already  tried with all kind of double and single quotes but it does not work.
Anybody has an idea how can I make it run?

Thanks and regards

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