I'm having difficulties on my first incursion through generate_series.

The details:

SELECT DATE_TRUNC('month', timestamp '2006-02-01' )::DATE + s.d AS date,
      COUNT (o."04-sms") as totalcause98
      FROM generate_series(11,19) AS s(d)
 LEFT JOIN netopia o ON (substr(o."26-insertTime",1,10) = (DATE_TRUNC('month', 
timestamp'2006-02-01'  )::DATE + s.d) and o.cause01=98)

This query (although quite messed up on the date parameters), does exactly 
what i want: 
"sum column 'cause01=98' for a specified date range, including 0's"

    date    | totalcause98
 2006-02-12 |            0
 2006-02-13 |            0
 2006-02-14 |            0
 2006-02-15 |            0
 2006-02-16 |           68
 2006-02-17 |          256
 2006-02-18 |          104
 2006-02-19 |           34
 2006-02-20 |           20

I'm using a left join because i really need the =0 sums.
The use of substr() is due to the fact the "26-insertTime" on the 'netopia' 
table has a default of 'default (now())::timestamp(2) without time zone'.
So, i can make generate_series work with the left join using the substr.
I was getting ready to optimize this query, when i remembered i also have the 
need for another column, 'totalcause99', almost the same as this query, but 
with 'cause01=99' as condition.

The maximum i was able to do without syntax errors was:

SELECT DATE_TRUNC('month', timestamp '2006-02-01' )::DATE + s.d AS date,
      COUNT (o."04-sms") as totalcause98,
      COUNT (p."04-sms") as totalcause99
      FROM generate_series(11,19) AS s(d)
 LEFT JOIN netopia o ON (substr(o."26-insertTime",1,10) = (DATE_TRUNC('month', 
timestamp'2006-02-01'  )::DATE + s.d) and o.cause01=98)
 LEFT JOIN netopia p ON (substr(p."26-insertTime",1,10) = (DATE_TRUNC('month', 
timestamp'2006-02-01'  )::DATE + s.d) and p.cause01=99)

Reading this one aloud, i feel the "logic" of what i'm trying to do, but the 
values of its output are.. scary to say the least, and the sums are exactly 
the same on the 2 columns, and that should never happen with the data i have 
on the table.

I'm starting to wonder if this is actually possible to be done on one single 
Ideas, anyone?

Sorry for the long email.
Any and all help is deeply appreciated.



---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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