Next silly question, how do you get your database to like plpgsql...

I do CREATE LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' and it says it is not defined?


On 4/18/06, Andreas Kretschmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mark True <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> I guess I should have clarified.  I am having trouble figuring out how to
> construct the IF statement to see if that item exists in the foreign table
> something like:
> count=select count(*) from table;
> if count=0 {
> insert fkey into myOtherTable
> }

a real example:
(table harz_ufpos references harz_uf)

create or replace function gh_insert(text,int,int,text,int,float) returns int as $$
declare c       int;
        select into c count(*) from harz_uf where (uf,ab) = ($1,$2);
        if c = 0 then
                insert into harz_uf (uf,ab,beschreibung,aktiv) values ($1,$2,$4,'t');
        end if;

        insert into harz_ufpos (uf,pos,anzahl,rest,flaeche) values ($1,$3,$5,$5,$6);

        return 1;
$$ language 'plpgsql';

HTH, Andreas
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