On Jul 7, 2006, at 6:29 , Gary Stainburn wrote:

I have two tables, both with stock number and registration number in.
The second table always has the correct stock number, the first doesn't.

I want to copy the data across where the stock number is missing. The select with join shows the rows requiring update, but I can't think how to do the

I think this should do the trick for you:

UPDATE test1
SET ud_stock = s_stock_no
FROM test2
WHERE ud_registration = s_regno
AND ud_stock IS NULL -- limits update just to cases where ud_stock IS NULL

This statement also shows the WHERE clause doing double duty: it contains both a JOIN condition (ud_registration = s_regno) and a restriction (AND ud_stock IS NULL). In a SELECT statement I like to keep these separate, something like:

SELECT ud_stock, s_stock_no
FROM test1
JOIN test2 ON (ud_registration = s_regno)
WHERE ud_stock IS NULL

However, the UPDATE syntax doesn't provide for this. (See http:// www.postgresql.org/docs/current/interactive/sql-update.html for more details.)

In your SELECT example you've got a slightly different join condition and an additional restriction in the WHERE clause. You may want to add these to the UPDATE statement if these are necessary. To illustrate my point about separating restriction from join conditions, this is how you could rewrite your SELECT:

SELECT ud.ud_id
    , ud.ud_registration
    , ud.ud_stock
    , s.s_stock_no
FROM test1 ud
JOIN test2 s ON (upper(ud.ud_registration) = upper(s.s_regno))
WHERE upper(ud.ud_stock) ~ '^[NU][LD]$';

The AND ud_stock IS NULL condition isn't really necessary, as you said the registration numbers are always the same--without the IS NULL the UPDATE will just overwrite the ud_stock number with the same value. However, depending on your table size and the indexes you have on the tables, it might perform better with the IS NULL condition.

Hope this helps.

Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net

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