> For my web projects, we have been storing binary data (like images, PDF's,
> etc) on the hard drive of the web server instead of the database.  Within
> the database, we keep information, like whether an image is present, in a
> separate column.

In most cases, this is probably the best approach.  It has the
problem that COMMITs of this data aren't atomic (the file write could
succeed and the database write fail, for example).  But that can
usually be worked around, and at least you're not bulking your
database with binaries.


Andrew Sullivan  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This work was visionary and imaginative, and goes to show that visionary
and imaginative work need not end up well. 
                --Dennis Ritchie

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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