On 10/31/06, A. Kretschmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
am  Tue, dem 31.10.2006, um 11:15:26 -0600 mailte Curtis Scheer folgendes:
> Given the following two tables:
> CREATE TABLE public.task
> (
>   taskid int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('task_taskid_seq'::regclass),
>   description varchar,
>   CONSTRAINT pk_taskid PRIMARY KEY (taskid)
> )
> public.users
> (
>   userid int4 NOT NULL,
>   username varchar,
>   CONSTRAINT pk_userid PRIMARY KEY (userid)
> )
> I want to record which user ?performed the task? and which user ?checked the
> task?, I?ve come up with a few ideas on this but I would like to know what the
> correct way would be to implement this into my table design.

Perhaps a table like this:

    user int references public.users,
    task int references public.task,
    ts timestamptz default now(),
    action char(1) check (action in ('p','c'))

-- with p(perform), c(cheked)

I would go further by adding a type table like this:

operation_type (
    operation_type_id bigserial (PK),
    operation_cd varchar(10),
    operation_name varchar(20)

with two codes "perform" and "check" and another table

operation (
    user int references public.users (PK),
    task int references public.task (PK),
    ts timestamptz default now() (PK),
    operation_type_id bigint references operation_type

This gives you the flexibility to add more operation types in the future.

   Aaron Bono
   Aranya Software Technologies, Inc.

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