Hi Richard,
Thanks a lot. I still am not able to get the result for all the rics in the ticks table but I am able to get the result for a particular ric.
Can you help me with getting the result for all the rics in the ticks table

Richard Broersma Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for your help. That does make sense, but I am not able to get the result what I wanted
> exactly. Let me explain you.
> I have ticks table in which I have columns like ric, tick_time, price & volume. The times
> table has just one column with times_time which has time data for each minute ie.)
> Ticks
> ric | tick_time | price | volume
> A | 12:00:01 | 23.00 | 12
> A | 12:00:02 | 26.00 | 7
> B | 12: 00:02 | 8.00 | 2
> B | 12:01:01 | 45.00 | 6
> Times
> times_time
> 12:00
> 12:01
> 12:02
> Now I want the timeseries for each minute for all ric in the tick table. So my query goes like
> this for a particular ric say for example ric 'A'
> select foo.ric, tm.times_time, count(tk.*), avg(tk.price), sum
> (tk.price*tk.volume)/sum(tk.volume), sum(tk.volume) from (select ric from ticks where ric = 'A'
> group by ric) as foo, times tm left join ticks tk on tk.tick_time >= tm.times_time and
> tk.tick_time < (tm.times_time + '1 minute' :: interval)::time and tk.ric = 'A' group by
> tm.times_time, foo.ric order by tm.times_time;
> I get the result as I expect, but i am not able to derive a query for all rics in the tick
> table.
> I really appreciate your help.

Sorry I prematurely sent my first email

Select foo.ric,
date_trunc("minute", tm.times_time) as time_tick,
count(tk.*) tickperminute,
... --your other aggregate functions
from (
select ric
from ticks
where ric = 'A'
group by ric
) as foo
join ticks tk
on (tk.ric = foo.ric)
right join times tm
on (tk.tick_time >= tm.times_time)
and (tk.tick_time < (tm.times_time + '1 minute' :: interval)::time
and (tk.ric = 'A') -- this shouldn't be neccessary
-- if you restructor your join
-- since foo limits all ric to 'A'
-- but since it is on the wrong side
-- of an outer join it can't.
group by foo.ric,

order by time_tick;


Richard Broersma Jr.

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