
When I am executing my function its giving error.. first time its
running properly.. but when I am executing second time I am getting

create or replace function irla_punching_medium_insert1(in_proj_code
numeric,in_pt_code varchar,in_mon_abs date) returns varchar as'


l_p varchar;

credit_amount numeric;

debit_amount numeric;

l_vr_no varchar;

l_count integer;


select irla_code into  l_p from npo_project_irla_code where
npo_proj_code=$1 and pt_code=$2;

create table dummy_table without oids as

select side,irla_code,substr(type_charge,1,1)||substr(type_charge,2,1)
|| substr(type_charge,4,1) ||substr(type_charge,5,1) as
type_charge,npo_code from irla_npo_pm_codes_master

where type_charge=''(+-)CR''  or type_charge=''(+-)RC''

union all

type_charge,4,1) || substr(type_charge,6,1) as type_charge,npo_code from

where type_charge=''(+-)CR''  or type_charge=''(+-)RC''

union all select side,irla_code,type_charge,npo_code from
irla_npo_pm_codes_master where type_charge=''(+)C''  or
type_charge=''(+)R'' ;

update dummy_table set irla_code=l_p where irla_code=''P'';

create table amount_table without oids as select
dt.side,dt.irla_code,sum(npoaa.amount) as amount,dt.type_charge from
npo_abs_amount npoaa,dummy_table dt where dt.side=npoaa.side and

 and extract(month from to_date(npoaa.mon_abs,''yyyy-mm-dd''))||''/''||
extract(year from to_date(npoaa.mon_abs,''yyyy-mm-dd''))

=extract(month from to_date($1,''yyyy-mm-dd''))||''/''|| extract(year
from to_date($1,''yyyy-mm-dd''))  and npoaa.proj_code=$1 and
npoaa.pt_code= $2 group by dt.irla_code ,dt.type_charge,dt.side ;

drop table dummy_table;

select cast(substr(max(vr_no),1,2) || cast(substr(max(vr_no),3,1) as
integer)+1 as varchar) into l_vr_no from irla_punchingmedium_top_amt ;

select sum(amount) into credit_amount from amount_table where

select sum(amount) into debit_amount from amount_table where side=''D'';

insert into irla_punchingmedium_top_amt


insert into irla_punchingmedium_amt
(amount,codehead,type_of_charge,vr_no)  select
amount,irla_code,type_charge,(select l_vr_no) from amount_table;

raise notice''%'', l_vr_no;

drop table amount_table;

 raise notice ''%2'', l_count;

return ''inserted'';



            ERROR:  relation with OID 75275 does not exist

CONTEXT:  SQL statement "update dummy_table set irla_code= $1  where

PL/pgSQL function "irla_punching_medium_insert1" line 19 at SQL

Thanks  &  Regards

Penchal reddy | Software Engineer          

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