Dennis Bjorklund wrote:
Ken Johanson skrev:

Has your experience with PG been different? If so I presume you have have found a config that allows?:


As long as you don't create the columns using quotes you can use that kind of names. For example

  CREATE TABLE foo (BAR int);


  SELECT BaR, bar, BAR, "bar" FROM foo;

But using "Bar" wont work.


That definitely makes sense. If one *wants* to enforce case, they should create the identifier with quotes.

Although, since I'm using pgAdmin (III) to design tables in this case, or creating the tables through JDBC (a convenient way to copy tables and data from another datasource) (using the copy-paste gesture), I believe those tools both *are* quoting identifiers that have camel case. And that their behavior can't be overridden.

So though I might personally be comfortable with DDL commands to re-define my existing quoted columns (as created by JDBC and pgAdmin), other users may not be. And having to recreate and issue the DDL to use un-quoted col names will be tedious in my case since I have ~20 tables to import.

So my vote would remain for having a config-option to ignore case, even on quoted identifiers..


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