> I am trying to modify the dabo (a python wxpython
> ide for database forms creation) code to allow the
> selection of tables in any schema.  I need a query
> that will return records with schema, table,
> columname and columne type.

create view pg_cols as select
        s.nspname as schema_nm,
        r.relname as table_nm,
        a.attnum as column_sq,
        a.attname as column_nm,
        t.typname as datatype,
        a.atttypmod as datalen
from    pg_attribute a
join    pg_type t on( t.oid = a.atttypid )
join    pg_class r on( r.oid = a.attrelid )
join    pg_namespace s on( s.oid = r.relnamespace )
where   a.attnum > 0
and     r.relkind = 'r'
and     s.nspname = :schemaq;

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