I have set up a table with a multi-column primary key constraint:

 enclosureid numeric(3) NOT NULL,
 pointid char(4) NOT NULL,
 equipmentgroup varchar(64) NOT NULL,
 deviceid varchar(8),
 devicetype varchar(24),
 operationdesc varchar(64) NOT NULL,
entrytime timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone,
 systemid numeric(3) NOT NULL,
 CONSTRAINT "ID" PRIMARY KEY (systemid, enclosureid, pointid)

If I had a row in the table where systemid=123, enclosureid=ab, pointid=56, I would have a Primary Key ("ID") of 123ab56 for that row.

I now want to run a select based on the Primary Key, something like:

SELECT * FROM iopoints WHERE ID = 123ab56

Is something like this even possible?  Or am I forced to do:

SELECT * FROM iopoints WHERE systemid=123 AND enclosureid=ab AND pointid=56

I have searched high and low but can not find a syntax example of how to select based on a multi-column primary key, any tips?



---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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