Andrew Sullivan wrote:

AFAIK they don't accept the latter any more than we do.  But again,
I'm an Oracle ignoramous.  I _do_ know that people of my acquaintance
who have historically only developed against Oracle have given me
queries with things like
        value = ''

in it, and been surprised.  Or at least, I think it's like that.  I
do recall hearing a lot about how stupid Postgres was because it
didn't like something that worked "perfectly well" on Oracle, which I
was assured was the most SQL-compliant system on the planet. Happily, I no longer work with any of those people :)

At my last job I used Oracle 8i and 9i (standard editions), and I very definitely remember the pain of it interpreting the empty string as a NULL (especially relevant when input needed trimming).

- Geoff

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