On Tuesday 13 March 2007 6:19 am, Ezequias R. da Rocha wrote:
> They are not working well.
> Allways the same error.
> (if while)
> ERROR: syntax error at or near "WHILE"
> SQL state: 42601
> Character: 1
> (if for)
> ERROR: syntax error at or near "FOR"
> SQL state: 42601
> Character: 1
> (if loop)
> ERROR: syntax error at or near "LOOP"
> SQL state: 42601
> Character: 1
>  I installed the pgsql but I don't think it is a problem of language.
> What could be wrong ? I am not using functions too. I am using the SQL
> tool of PgAdmin III.
> Any help would be glad.
Can we see the complete function?
Adrian Klaver

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