Thanks! But now i have another problem related with count():

select page_id, word, word_position, count(page_id) from (select * from search_word('word1', 'table1') union search_word('word2', 'table2')) foo group by page_id;

and gives me "foo.word must appear in GROUP clause or be used in an aggregate function"

And i want to group by page_id only, because that is what i need to count. Tips here?

Thanks again man.

am  Wed, dem 28.03.2007, um 11:04:29 -0300 mailte Gerardo Herzig folgendes:
Hi dudes, i have the following question
i have 2 tables with the same format, and i want to know if is there a possibility of using some sort of count(*) for achieving this result: select a from table1 where (condition) union select a from table2 where (condition), count(a) group by a

The idea is having how many times (condition) is true for both tables.

Im not shure im explaining myself clearly, my english is not the best (as you can see ;)

You can use a subselect, a simple example:

test=# select *, count(1) from (select 1 union select 2 union select 3) foo 
group by 1;
?column? | count
       1 |     1
       2 |     1
       3 |     1
(3 rows)


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