On Fri, Apr 13, 2007 at 10:58:12AM +0300, Dmitry Turin wrote:
> The most general format for data is XML.

Surely not.  In particular, XML is actually miserably bad at
capturing certain kinds of relations between items.  It's in fact
this assumption that has made this conversation seem like we're
talking past one another.

> Now SQL don't make this, thus we need one more language (php,etc).
> It's very, very bad for un-experienced user.

So what?  If a user has no experience, and wants to do something new,
why should they not have to do some work to learn how to do those
things?  SQL is not so fantastically hard that you can't learn it. 
Indeed, I'm pretty sure that if someone as foolish as I can learn it,
anyone can.


Andrew Sullivan  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If they don't do anything, we don't need their acronym.
                --Josh Hamilton, on the US FEMA

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