I am having the same problem that is documented elsewhere in the
archives.  Namely when you have a INSERT RULE on a VIEW the nextval()
function doesn't behave properly (or it doesn't behave how I'd like it


I'm wondering if anything has changed for this in regards to best
practices?  Suggested solutions are to change to a trigger or use
currval() for your secondary INSERTS inside the RULE.

A trigger does not apply to my case as I am basically using this as a
shortcut to manually doing two INSERTs.  Is there any problems with
using the currval() approach?  If I use that within the same call is
there any chance of that not returning the correct value? (e.g. if
this INSERT RULE is being called a 1000 times at once, is it
guaranteed to be correct?

Another option I see is to place the INSERT inside a LOOP.  For
example instead of:
INSERT INTO     user_activity_single(user_activity_id, activity_date,
user_activity_type_id, user_activity_action_id, user_id,  div1)
SELECT          nextval('user_activity_user_activity_id_seq'), etc....


FOR mviews IN   
 SELECT nextval('user_activity_user_activity_id_seq') as id,
CURRENT_DATE, 1, 2, 27, 'foo'
   INSERT INTO  user_activity_single(mviews.id, etc...)

Performance wise this doesn't seem as good.  In my case the SELECT
statement would be around 4000 records.

Any tips for me?

Collin Peters

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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