Dnia Thu, 24 May 2007 12:54:48 +0100, Tomas Doran napisał(a):

> If I can do something to make it work in the postgres backend, then that'd
> be acceptable, and I'm investigating that..

>From what I know it's impossible without touching the source. 

> This is, at the very least, is a glaring inconsistency around how IN
> clauses are handled in different situations.

Yes, I think you are right.
> If this was a deliberate tightning of the behavior, is there a changelog
> entry/link to come docs about when this change happened that anyone can
> point me to?

I am not able to trace this particular change right now
(http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/static/release.html). While you are
right that these changes should be perhaps better documented, 
such comparisions were a bad thing to do in the first place (I've learned
my lesson while upgrading from I think 7.1b3 to 7.1.3). Unfortunately I
see no other option than fixing them in your application.

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