There is not referenced table cai in from clausule.

A. R. Van Hook napsal(a):
> I have join problem:
> "select i.ivid, v.eventdate, v.deposit, v.invdate, cai.db,
>                 sum( as tax,
>                 sum( + i.rowtot) as totalP,
>                 (sum( + i.rowtot) - v.deposit) as balance
>               from invoice v
>               left outer join
>                      invoiceitems i
>                 on  v.ivid = i.ivid
>               where v.cusid = $cusid
>                     and   v.cusid = cai.cusid                group by
> i.ivid,  v.eventdate, v.deposit, v.invdate, cai.db
> ERROR:  missing FROM-clause entry for table "cai"
> If I add cai to the from clause "from invoice v, cai,  I get
> ERROR:  missing FROM-clause entry for table "cai"
> ERROR:  invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table "v"
> Where do I add the cai table reference???
> thanks

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