-------- Original Message  --------
Subject: Re:[SQL] [GENERAL] Setting Variable - (Correct)
From: Michael Glaesemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Ranieri Mazili <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 18/6/2007 13:50
[Please reply to the list so that others may benefit from and participate in the discussion.]

On Jun 18, 2007, at 11:32 , Ranieri Mazili wrote:

Thanks a lot for your prompt reply.
You query is perfect for my problem, but I need another thing with it, I need to return the sum of production_hours of each month of the current year, and I need to return too the average of the 3 past years, can I do all in only one query or I need to do a UNION with another query?

Glad you found it helpful. What have you tried so far?

Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net

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Look how I did:

SELECT date_trunc('month', production.production_date)::date
   AS production_period
   , product.id_production_area
   , sum(production_hours) as total_production_hours
FROM production
JOIN product USING (id_product)
WHERE lost_hours = 'S'
   AND date_trunc('month', production.production_date)::date BETWEEN
date_trunc('month', CAST('2007-06-18' AS date) - (EXTRACT(MONTH FROM CAST('2007-06-18' AS date))-1) * interval '1 month')::date
       AND date_trunc('month', CAST('2007-06-18' AS date))::date
GROUP BY production_period, id_production_area


SELECT date_trunc('year', production.production_date)::date
   AS production_period
   , product.id_production_area
   , sum(production_hours)/12 as total_production_hours
FROM production
JOIN product USING (id_product)
WHERE lost_hours = 'S'
   AND date_trunc('year', production.production_date)::date BETWEEN
date_trunc('year', CAST('2007-06-18' AS date) - 3 * interval '1 year')::date AND date_trunc('year', CAST('2007-06-18' AS date) - 1 * interval '1 year')::date
GROUP BY production_period, id_production_area
ORDER BY production_period DESC

I changed the "?" for values to test.
Look, I did a UNION, exist other way to do it better?


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


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