Tom Lane wrote:
> Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> What is the current status of (pre) compiling Embedded SQL in C++ programs?
> I just asked Michael Meskes about that (had you put a support request
> into Red Hat asking this?). 

Yes, and Red Hat's answer amounted to no answer at all. They merely repeated
a subset of what I already knew, which is why I placed the support request
in the first place.

> He says
> : There are some C++ constructs that ecpg doesn't parse well, but they are
> : not that widely used afaik. Most of the code compiles cleanly. And
> : people used to workaround by just putting the sql part in a different
> : source file where they didn't need those constructs.
> : 
> : Some effort has been made to make ecpg C++ compliant, so most should
> : work out of the box.
Thank you. I am glad to hear that. I imagine almost all my C++ constructs
are pretty simple. And most of my SQL ones are, too.

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