am  Mon, dem 25.06.2007, um 12:44:25 -0500 mailte Joshua folgendes:
> Ok,
> You guys must be getting sick of these newbie questions, but I can't 
> resist since I am learning a lot from these email lists and getting 
> results quick! Thanks to everyone for their contributions.
> Here is my questions....
> I have a column that looks like this
> firstname
> -----------------
> John B
> Mark A
> Jennifer D
> Basically I have the first name followed by a middle initial. Is there a 
> quick command I can run to strip the middle initial? Basically, I just 
> need to delete the middle initial so the column would then look like the 
> following:
> firstname
> ---------------
> John
> Mark
> Jennifer

Yes, of course:

test=# select split_part('My Name', ' ', 1);
(1 row)

And now, i think, you should read our fine manual:

Andreas Kretschmer
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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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