On Tue, 2007-07-03 at 12:22 -0400, Mark Fenbers wrote:
> I am an ex-Informix convert.  Informix used the term "schema" to refer 
> to the SQL-format definition of how a table or view was created.  E.g., 
> CREATE TABLE john ( char(8) lid, ...);  Some views we have are quite 
> complex (and not created by me) and I want to create a similar one in 
> Pg.  If I could see the view in this SQL format, then I could use SQL to 
> create another one using this as a template.
> pgadmin3 can show this definition in SQL format, but I can't use 
> pgadmin3 on a certain box.  How can I show information in Pg (psql) the 
> way that Informix would show a schema?
> BTW, what does PostgreSQL call this (what Informix calls a schema)??

Just use pg_dump to dump/backup the schema.  Don't include the data;  it
is just like doing an Informix "dbschema -d {database}"

pg_dump -U OGo --schema-only  OGo

Adam Tauno Williams, Network & Systems Administrator
Consultant - http://www.whitemiceconsulting.com
Developer - http://www.opengroupware.org

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