Good morning,

Oh joyous day! We are upgrading a legacy database system from MS Access to PostgreSQL! Yay!

Ok, rejoicing over. Here's our issue and PLEASE point me to the right place if this has been discussed before.

In MS Access one can reuse field aliases later in the same query. For example:

  SELECT field1 / 2 AS foo,
         field2 * 2 AS bar,
         foo + bar AS total
  WHERE foo < 12;

The first two fields are fine, it's the third that's a problem. The database reports

  ERROR:  column "foo" does not exist

This type of situation is happening -many- times in well over fifty existing SELECT..INTO and INSERT INTO queries. The obvious solution here is to copy the code around to eliminate the need to reuse "foo" and "bar" in the query:

  SELECT field1 / 2 AS foo,
         field2 * 2 AS bar,
         (field1 / 2) + (field2 * 2) AS total
  WHERE (field1 / 2) < 12;

But this is a bit ugly and cumbersome and in our case, not desirable since foo and bar get used many times in the remains of the query. To replace them with the formulae means that debugging is quite difficult and very prone to errors.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to circumvent this in a more graceful manner? I mean I could probably find a way to do this with a couple of queries and some views, or maybe write a function (or more like 30 functions) to do the work, but both of those only add to the workload in an undesirable manner. :)

To complicate matters, performance is a concern. We're operating on upwards of a billion records. Not all at the same time, but the goal is to run these a series of calculations will be done on all of the data.

Thanks for any input that you might have.


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