Try this:

Select *
from view v1
where duration = (select max(duration) from view v2 where v2.phone_number =

You could get more than one call listed for the same number if many calls
match max(duration) for that number.

-----Mensaje original-----
En nombre de Mike Diehl
Enviado el: Miércoles, 15 de Agosto de 2007 17:28
Para: SQL Postgresql List
Asunto: [SQL] Problem with phone list.

Hi all.

I've qot a problem I need to solve.  I'm sure it's pretty simple; I just
seem to get it, so here goes...

I've got a table, actually a view that joins 3 tables, that contains a phone

number, a unique id, and a call duration.

The phone number has duplicates in it but the unique id is unique.

I need to get a list of distinct phone numbers and the coorisponding largest

call duration.

I've got the idea that this should be a self-join on phone number where<>, but I just can't seem to get the max duration.

Any hints would be much appreciated.


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TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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