On Monday 05 November 2007 15:18:22 Tom Lane wrote:
> Andreas Joseph Krogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > AFAICS the information about the *total* number of rows is in the
> > "result" somehow. When I execute a "limit 1" query with EXPLAIN ANALYZE,
> > I se the total number of columns in "rows=200819", so the information is
> > there.
> That's only an estimate.  Since the query doesn't get executed to
> completion thanks to the LIMIT, Postgres really has no idea whether
> the estimate is accurate.

Ok. The query is ORDER-ed, but you're saying that it doesn't matter and PG 
still doesn't have to know the total numbers even if it has to sort the 

Is there a way to perform the LIMIT-query only once and still be able to 
extract the total number of rows from some "magic function", like 
Oracle's "over()" analytic function? I will accept a simple "no" if that is 
the case, but if it is possible (like it is in Oracle) I would appreciate to 
know how to do it.

Andreas Joseph Krogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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