Trilok Kumar wrote:
Hi All,

I have a table called vehicle_duty_cycle_summary

vehicle_master_id | starting_odometer |
ending_odometer | login_time | logout_time

4 |          53379.00 |        53504.00 | 2006-12-19
16:19:16.584547 | 2006-12-20 07:12:57.716907

I would like to compute the following on this table.

Idle time of vehicel=(ending_odometer reading of the
previous day - starting_odometer reading of the present day) for
every vehicle

I would think your naming may be confusing and may not be implemented(recorded?) very well.

I think Idle Time is a misleading name by your explanation - Idle time would be defined as (logout_time - previous login_time) which gives you the time the vehicle was sitting in the garage.

What you want may be better called unmetered_travel and would be the distance traveled between login_time and logout_time
This would simply be
select vehicle_master_id,
(ending_odometer - starting_odometer) as unmetered_travel
from vehicle_duty_cycle_summary;

Going by the naming you have used it would appear that you are recording the time spent in the garage (going by the data you have shown I would say this is a company car garage not a repair shop)

One record would appear to record the time the car is in the garage - login_time would be the time the employee returned the car and logout_time would be when the car next went out to someone. I would think you want the opposite of that - the time and odometer reading when an employee takes the car and the time and odometer of when it is returned and the employee_id of who had it. This will give you who used the car at what time and what distances they travelled (which of course would be work related travel)

Going with those changes -

The distance traveled by an employee is easy to workout, if you wanted to workout the unmetered (non-work) distance traveled you could try something like (untested) -

, v1.starting_odometer -
 (select v2.ending_odometer
  from vehicle_duty_cycle_summary v2

  where v2.vehicle_master_id = v1.vehicle_master_id
  and v2.login_time < v1.logout_time

  order by v2.login_time desc limit 1)
    as unmetered_travel

from vehicle_duty_cycle_summary v1

where v1.vehicle_master_id = 4;

I would calculate idle time as -

, v1.logout_time -
 (select v2.login_time
  from vehicle_duty_cycle_summary v2

  where v2.vehicle_master_id = v1.vehicle_master_id
  and v2.login_time < v1.logout_time

  order by v2.login_time desc limit 1)
    as unmetered_travel

from vehicle_duty_cycle_summary v1

where v1.vehicle_master_id = 4;

If this isn't the way it should work you should be able to adapt the query to match your definition of idle time.


Shane Ambler
pgSQL (at) Sheeky (dot) Biz

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