> What about
> $$
> INSERT INTO .... ;
> select currval('seq_matchmaking_session_id');
> $$ language sql;
> ?

Indeed... :-( For some reason, I thought that it was not possible to
have to SQL statement in an SQL stored function.

By the way, is there any performance difference between pure SQL and
PL/pgSQL stored functions?  If I remember correctly there was such a
distinction between pure SQL statement and PL/PLSQL stored procedures
(Oracle), in the sense that PL/PLSQL stored procedures are executed
within the PL/PLSQL engine which sends pure SQL statements to the SQL
engine for execution.  There is a little overhead between PL/PLSQL and
SQL engines.



---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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