

I have a complex query which I am trying to figure out the most efficient
way of performing.


My database is laid out as follows:

items -have_many-> events -have_many-> event_locations -have_many->


also rows in the location_links table link two locations together in a
parent-child relationship and rows in the location_descendants table provide
a full list of the descendants of a

particular location.


I am trying to find all locations which both are direct children of a given
parent location, and are associated with at least one item in a constrained
subset of items.

(eg. Find all states of the USA in which at least one wooden axe was made.
Also find the number of wooden axes made in each state.)


I have developed the following query:


SELECT  locations.*,

        location_ids.item_count AS item_count

FROM    locations


                (SELECT immediate_descendants.ancestor_id AS id,

                        COUNT(DISTINCT creation_events.item_id) AS

                FROM    event_locations


                                (SELECT *

                                FROM    location_descendants

                                WHERE   ancestor_id IN

                                        (SELECT child_id

                                        FROM    location_links

                                        WHERE   parent_id = *note 1*


                                ) AS immediate_descendants

                        ON      event_locations.location_id =


                                (SELECT *

                                FROM    events

                                WHERE   item_id IN (*note 2*) AND
association = 'creation'

                                ) AS creation_events

                        ON      event_locations.event_id =

                GROUP BY immediate_descendants.ancestor_id

                ) AS location_ids ON =


*note 1* - the id of the parent location.

*note 2* - the query which returns a list of constrained item ids


This works but I am looking for any way to improve the performance of the
query (including changing the layout of the tables). Any ideas, suggestions
or general pointers would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks very much,


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