On Monday 28 January 2008 08:18:24 Premsun Choltanwanich wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am currently using PostgreSQL database version 8.0.13.  My problem
> relates to a slow result when a query using a defined view joins to another
> table for a result.
> Background:  I have 7 tables of invoice transactions.  The tables are
> slightly different in that they record different data (some different
> columns in each table).  There are about 250,000 records when a union view
> is created.  A simply query on this union performs satisfactorily.
> The invoice table union view is then joined with a table of receipts (which
> have a total of about 150,000 records).
> It takes around 3.5 seconds for "select * from view_transaction where
> member_id = 999  and receipt_no is null" (which returns unpaid invoices).
> By hard coding I created a single table from the 7 invoice tables (instead
> of creating a union) and then used it with receipt table.  This time for
> the same query improved to 1.8 seconds.
> To further improve things I tried to code the selection rather than to use
> a view, and so "select * from temp_transaction where member_id = 999 and
> receipt_no is null" provided the result in .5 second. (2 records returned
> containing the details of receipt_no, transaction_no, transaction_type,
> transaction_amount, member_id).
> I would prefer to be able to have completed the above by using unions and
> views.  Is it possible to do this, or am I better creating a permanent
> table of invoices and writing the query as I did above?
> Any comments on this and suggestions would be appreciated.  If there is
> documentation where I can read up please let me have a link.

It is very hard to help without you providing the schema for the tables/views 
involved. It sounds like you don't have any indexes if you experience 
performance-problems on queries like "select * from view_transaction where 
member_id = 999  and receipt_no is null". But again, without the definition 
of the view and underlying tables, it's very hard to help.

Andreas Joseph Krogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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