On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 1:57 PM, Alvaro Herrera
> Ken Johanson wrote:
>  > Here's one Mysql developer's response to adding (fixing) the
>  > integer/bigint/tinyint types to their CAST function:
>  >
>  > http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=34562
>  So they are anal too, but in the opposite direction?

No, they're just hopelessly lost and making good time. Or lazy.  Or
both.  I'm not sure.

There's example after example of things in the mysql bug database that
should make anyone considering it as a database engine cringe and walk
away shaking their head.  for instance, someone JUST submitted this


Which is about a problem with the mysql packages including a
statically linked zlib which makes it impossible to compile php
against it.  Problem is, their inability to properly package / not
package zlib with mysql is an ongoing problem.  As far back as 2004 it
showed up.  Then was fixed, then showed up again, then was fixed.

Here's the most recent "we fixed it! Oh shit it's broken again" bug record:


Before that we had


After that we had


and now the latest reports.  It's like the Keystone Kops create RPM
packages reading those messages.  Pick any subject area.  Foreign
keys, SQL compliance, and on and on and you'll find dozens of the same
bugs coming and going as one person stomps it and another apparently
reinstates it.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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