Craig Ringer wrote:
> Marcin Krawczyk wrote:
>> Hi guys. Does anyone know the error code for '/currval of sequence * is
>> not yet defined in this session/' error ? Is there one at all?
> A quick JDBC test program shows:
> ERROR: currval of sequence "customer_id_seq" is not yet defined in this
> session (SQLState: 55000)

I've just realised I've been doing this a stupid way without thinking
about it. Unsurprisingly it turns out that no Java/JDBC snippets are
required. The much, much easier way to find the error code:

$ psql

... blah blah blah ...

test=# \set VERBOSITY verbose
test=# select currval('test_seq');
ERROR:  55000: currval of sequence "test_seq" is not yet defined in this
LOCATION:  currval_oid, sequence.c:644

In retrospect it seems kind of obvious - "surely psql must have way to
show this information, maybe I should look at the manual....".

Craig Ringer

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