At 09:20 PM 5/27/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 09:29:56 -0700
From: "Richard Broersma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Sebastian Rychter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Extremely Low performance with ODBC

On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 9:34 PM, Sebastian Rychter

> I'll keep on looking for any other differences on different logs.. I think I > already searched all the Postgresql forums I know and no one ever reported
> something like that before.

I've been following this discussion with interest - years ago I was responsible for a high performance web system that used ODBC in the data layer (not quite an oxymoron there). But I haven't touched ODBC since 2001! (Be warned)..

With performance times that slow it seems like there are a couple of possibilities that I can think of. To narrow down the choices:

How many rows does your query return? If it's returning a lot try running the exact same query but with a "limit 10" on the end - does that take just as long to run or does it come back quickly?

Here are some other ideas:

1) The Pg ODBC driver is broken and is looping internally in some wrong way, when constructing your result set. This seems a little unlikely but totally possible. The groups that Richard recommends can probably help on this end.

2) Your ODBC DSN is misconfigured. This seems more likely to me. You may already be an expert with ODBC and have it correctly configured, in which disregard this. But the Pg ODBC interface has a lot of unique options and any one or combination could be spiking your results speed.

Have you played with the various config options in the advanced window of "odbcad32.exe" when creating a data source with a Pg ODBC driver?

For example, try toggling "Keyset query optimization" or "Use Declare/Fetch" - Also, does the "cache size" setting impact your query speed at all? There are a number of checkboxes here that seem like they might affect your situation. Be sure all the logging is turned off when testing performance.

Also, "updatable cursors" is turned on by default (on my copy of Pg ODBC) - that seems "wrong" and you might try your search with it turned off. Also "server side prepare" is turned off on my copy, and this also seems wrong - any diff with it turned on?

Another idea: when you run the query and it takes a long time, is the CPU spiked on your client machine or on the SQL Server or neither (if they're on the same machine, look in Task Manager to see which process is eating CPU). If it's not spiked anywhere, then it's possible that your problem is with a network socket timeout or something similar. Maybe use wire shark or something to watch your network traffic to dig deeper if this seems possible.

Others may have a more clear idea as to what these various ODBC options are for, but in my distant memories, fiddling with ODBC settings when doing performance tuning can make a big, big difference in how an application performs.

My whole goal in this regard was to find the settings in ODBC that caused ODBC to do as absolutely little as possible. Just receive raw sql, pipe it to my server and hand it back to me in a memory data structure. All the data structure parsing was done by my middleware connection wrapper to ODBC and none was done by ODBC itself. Once I got to that point, I was able to get some decent performance out of ODBC.

I hope some of these ideas helps! Feel free to write back on or off list.



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