(Trying to start a new thread instead of my accidental intrusion into another 

Hello Everyone, 

In a text-heavy database, I'm trying to make an initial design decision in the 
following context. 

There is a lot of long text that I could break down into three different 
        a. Laws 
                i. Only 1 country per law, many laws
                ii. There are multiple types of laws (statutes, regulations, 
court cases, proposed laws, etc)
                iii. Each law will have only one type
                iv. Each law may refer to many other laws
        b. Treaties 
                i. 2 countries per treaty
                ii. At any one time, there will only be one treaty in force 
between any two countries
                iii. There may be proposed new treaties which will supercede 
old treaties when finally ratified
        c. Commentary 
                i. Any commentary could refer to one or more laws or treaties
                ii. Any commentary may have one or more authors
                iii. Any commentary may refer to one or more countries

The conceptual question is what are the trade-offs between having one textual 
table compared with multiple text tables? Any help on pointing out practical 
considerations would be appreciated.



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