On Jun 13, 2008, at 11:02 AM, Andreas wrote:
I get from an outside source tables as simple textfiles to import.
Those are obviously results of views with joined tables.

Among the normal stuff are columns that have one or a list of id- numbers devided by a semicolon.
In the next column there is the corresponding text for this ids.

It looks like this:
17, ... ,  "1; 2;", "cat; mouse;", ...
23, ...,  "3;", "dog;", ...
42, ..., "2; 7;", "mouse; horse;", ...

Obviously the meaning is that some entity has those listed attributes. Most likely they are stored as a n:m-relation like:
17, 1
17, 2
23, 3
42, 2
42, 7

Is there a way to reproduce the output in the form above (as array) ?

SELECT array_to_string(array(1,2), '; ');

Is there a way to import the data in the form above, so it gets neately stored in a n:m ?

Well, you can easily turn it into an array:

SELECT string_to_array('1; 2', '; '); (You'll need to strip the trailing ;'s.

After than you can convert the array to a recordset if you want. There's some examples in the archives of how to do that (I think it's in the archives for -general; I know I was in one of the threads so searching for decibel might help narrow things down).

Is it seen as a conceptual good solution to store such information within a text-column or array?
I'd rather doubt that PG would watch the integrity of those ids then.

I wouldn't do text. You could enforce some loose RI via triggers pretty easily if you used arrays.
Decibel!, aka Jim C. Nasby, Database Architect  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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