On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 10:11 AM, Lennin Caro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- On Thu, 9/4/08, Ruben Gouveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>                     ) (select
>>                           p_date,
>> fcn_stats1(p_date,'basic'),
>> fcn_stats2(p_date,'basic',0)
>>                           from dual
> Dual is a table create for you or is the generic table of oracle?

Dual is a special table oracle creates that always has one row and one
row only so you have a target for your from clause always.  PostgreSQL
has the syntactic weirdness that everything is a function that makes
some sql syntax hard to implement or get changed, oracle's weirdness
(well, one of many really) is the requirement of a target table.  the
spec would seem to side with oracle on this, but it is a pain the

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