Achilleas Mantzios wrote:
> Στις Friday 17 October 2008 15:11:10 ο/η Gerardo Herzig έγραψε:
>> Richard Huxton wrote:
>>> Gerardo Herzig wrote:
>>>> But it does a doble count(*) that i must avoid.
>>>> I cant refer to the 'first' count like
>>>> select case when (select count(*) from test where id=$1 ) AS total
>>>>     > 0 then total
>>>>     else -1
>>>>     end;
>>>   CASE WHEN total >0 THEN total ELSE -1 END AS new_total
>>> FROM (
>>>   SELECT count(*) AS total FROM test WHERE id=$1
>>> ) AS raw_total
>> Pavel, Richard, you got it dudes! I have to say, that kinda 'reference
>> before assingment' of "total" doesnt look logical to me.
> Then, both you and your boss need some SQL courses :) (no offense)
Hahaha none taken dude, youre absolutely right.

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