Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 17:09:49 -0400
From: Glenn Maynard <>
Subject: Re: changing multiple pk's in one update
Message-ID: <>

(JMdict?  I was playing with importing that into a DB a while back,
but the attributes in that XML are such a pain--and then my email died
while I was trying to get those changed, and I never picked it up

On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 1:20 PM, Stuart McGraw <> wrote:
> 1 to the number of sentences in the entry) and the sentence text. Â The pk is
> of course the entry id and the sense number.
> There are other tables that have fk's to the senses.

Your PK is a composite of (entry, order)?  Won't your foreign keys
elsewhere all break when you shift the order around?

> I guess I could add an "order"[1] column and use the sense number as a
> surrogate partial key to avoid the need for key renumbering,
> but all the api's (and the normal human way of thinking) are based
> on "sense number 1 of entry x", "sense number 2 of entry y", so
> one would need to maintain "order" as a gapless sequence (or add a new
> mapping layer to map from/to a arbitrary monotonic sequence
> to a 1,2,3,... sequence) -- the gain doesn't seem that big.

Why not do this in the straightforward way: three separate fields: a
regular, sequential PK; an FK to the entry; and an order number.  Add
an index on (entry_key, order_number).  It's a little more expensive
since you have a new column and index (the PK), but in a table with a
lot of plain text that's probably insignificant.  Now you can use the
plain PK for your FK's.

I'd agree with this approach. I have a number of tables which are sensitive to arbitrary ordering and they sound roughly similar to your use-case (though my tables are probably smaller).

My approach is to create a string column in the table which permits defining arbitrary ordering. I use a string field b/c it's easier for me to stuff (by hand) new ordered records in between other existing records. But an integer would work just as well, so long as you make sure you keep enough space between the integers (e.g. 1000, 2000, 3000).

Also, if your ordered list is truly "ordinal" (each record is either 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc in a single list) you could just use 1,2,3,4 for the ordering, but then you have to mess with two records in order to swap the positions of (say) item 2 and 3. Of course you can do this pretty easily inside a transaction, and you don't have to worry about the mess of moving PK's.


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