possibly this answers my question, and what i am doing is indeed the most

"Databases are physically separated and access control is managed at the
connection level."

from 8.3 docs, section 20.1


On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 2:37 AM, Isaac Dover <isaacdo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello, to this point i've been working with pg_hba.conf authentication
> defaults as installed with PostgreSQL 8.3. I'm trying to better understand
> "best practice" for managing connections to databases (I've grown accustomed
> to the MSSQL EM method of assigning user privileges). As far as i can tell,
> pg_hba.conf is the only manner in which to prevent users from connecting to
> other users' databases. I've restricted roles to connecting only using
> sameuser:
> host sameuser all md5
> this works fine until a user connects and creates a new database. Pg shows
> that the owner of the database is the currently connected user, but the user
> can't connect to it, as the hba.conf file has the sameuser restriction. I
> was hoping that (somehow, magically) the owner of the database could always
> connect to the databases he/she owns.
> Is hba.conf the only way to restrict users connections to specific
> databases? Are there privileges I can grant without having to maintain this
> file?
> I've spent quite some time researching this, even with the documentation,
> but I'm wondering what I'm missing.
> Thanks,
> Isaac

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