Joshua Tolley <> writes:
> Primary keys are NOT NULL and UNIQUE. You can't have null values in a primary
> key.

On reflection I think the OP's beef is that we complain about this:

regression=# create table t (f1 int null not null);
ERROR:  conflicting NULL/NOT NULL declarations for column "f1" of table "t"

but not this:

regression=# create table t (f1 int null primary key);    
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "t_pkey" for 
table "t"

even though the implied NOT NULL is really a conflict.  I think we could
fix that case if we cared to.  However, since the NULL clause is
forgotten about after parsing, there isn't anything we could do to raise
a complaint about doing it in two steps:

regression=# create table t (f1 int null);            
regression=# alter table t add primary key(f1);
NOTICE:  ALTER TABLE / ADD PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "t_pkey" for 
table "t"

(barring remembering the NULL clause in the catalogs, which seems
entirely silly).  So I'm not sure how interesting it is to complain
about the single-command case.

                        regards, tom lane

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