Hi all.
Take this example from src/test/regress/sql/with.sql:

WITH RECURSIVE subdepartment(level, id, parent_department, name) AS
        -- non recursive term
        SELECT 1, * FROM department WHERE name = 'A'

        UNION ALL

        -- recursive term
        SELECT sd.level + 1, d.* FROM department AS d, subdepartment AS sd
                WHERE d.parent_department = sd.id
SELECT * FROM subdepartment ORDER BY name;

 level | id | parent_department | name
     1 |  1 |                 0 | A
     2 |  2 |                 1 | B
     3 |  3 |                 2 | C
     3 |  4 |                 2 | D
     4 |  6 |                 4 | F
(5 rows)

If I omit "ORDER BY", is the output *guaranteed* (according to some standard) 
to be ordered in "hierarchy"-order, meaning each parent-department is always 
output before its respective child, or do I have to calculate a "level" column 
(like in the example above) and specify "ORDER BY LEVEL" to be 100%?

I'm using WITH RECURSIVE as sub-queries to build up arrays of parents in each 
output-row and would like as little overhead as possible and hence avoid 
unnecessary sorting.

Andreas Joseph Krogh <andr...@officenet.no>
Senior Software Developer / CTO
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