Glenn Maynard wrote:
On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 2:41 AM, Richard Huxton<> wrote:
Ah [cue light-bulb effect], I think I understand. Your function isn't in the
database is it? Surely your application knows if it's issuing BEGIN..COMMIT?

I'm writing a Python library call.  It has no idea whether the caller
happens to be inside a transaction already, and I don't want to
specify something like "always run this inside a transaction".
(Callers are equally likely to want to do either, and it's bad API to
force them to start a transaction--the fact that I'm using the
database at al should be transparent.)

That last bit is never going to work. There always needs to be some basic level of understanding between systems and transactions really have to be part of that for talking to a RDBMS. There will have to be a piece of code responsible for managing transactions somewhere in the middleware/application layers.

You'll have people with torches and pitchforks after you if you change
RELEASE SAVEPOINT to mean COMMIT. I might even lend them my pitchfork.

RELEASE SAVEPOINT would only COMMIT the transaction *if* the savepoint
that it's releasing started it.  Every currently-valid case requires
that a transaction is already started, so no existing code would be
affected by this.

SAVEPOINT a; -- implicitly issues BEGIN because one wasn't started
RELEASE SAVEPOINT a; -- implicitly issues COMMIT because savepoint "a"
issued the BEGIN, not the user
Of course, there are other details--it probably shouldn't allow
ROLLBACK or COMMIT on an implicit transaction block, for example.

All you're doing here is moving the point of confusion around, surely? At some point you still need to know whether you can issue BEGIN/ROLLBACK/COMMIT etc.

Could it generate: "SELECT ensure_cache_contains(key,data)"? Then ten lines
of plpgsql will neatly encapsulate the problem. That plpgsql can be
automatically generated easily enough too.

I don't think so, at least not without digging into internals.  Django
is built around knowing all data types, so it'd need to be givne types
explicitly--for example, to know whether a timestamp should be
formatted as a timestamp, date or time.  (I do have a couple other
columns here--timestamps for cache expiration, etc.)  I'll have to ask
Django-side if there's a public API to do this, but I don't think
there is.

Well, the types would be exactly the same as for your existing insert. All it's really doing is changing the template those values get substituted into. It presumably does mean patching the ORM (or subclassing from it anyway).

Ah, the joys of badly designed ORMs. The nice thing is that there seem to be
plenty of bad ones to choose from too. If your ORM doesn't handle
transactions well, the more you use it the more difficult your life will
become. I'd be tempted to tidy up your existing fixes and wrap Django's ORM
as cleanly as you can. That's assuming they're not interested in patches.

The ORM on a whole is decent, but there are isolated areas where it's
very braindamaged--this is one of them.  They have a stable-release
API-compatibility policy, which I think just gets them stuck with some
really bad decisions for a long time.

Presumably they targetted MySQL first, where there's a lot less use in multi-statement transactions with their different behaviour of their various storage-engines.

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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