Karl Denninger <k...@denninger.net> wrote:
>                ->  Index Scan using forum_name on forum 
> (cost=0.00..250.63 rows=1 width=271) (actual time=0.013..0.408
> rows=63 loops=1)
>                      Filter: (((contrib IS NULL) OR (contrib = '
> '::text) OR (contrib ~~ '%b%'::text)) AND ((permission & 127) =
> permission))
The biggest issue, as far as I can see, is that it thinks that the
selection criteria on forum will limit to one row, while it really
matches 63 rows.
You might be able to coerce it into a faster plan with something like
this (untested):
select *
  from (select * from post
          where invisible <> 1
            and to_tsvector('english', message)
             @@ to_tsquery('violence')
       ) p,
  where forum.name = p.forum
    and (permission & '127') = permission
    and (contrib is null or contrib = ' ' or contrib like '%b%')
  order by modified desc
  limit 100

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