Andy Shellam <> writes:
> With the above in mind, I decided on the following check to enforce this:

> (state = 'Unconfirmed'::client.order_state AND invoice_id = NULL) OR (state 
> != 'Unconfirmed'::client.order_state AND invoice_id != NULL)

> However PostgreSQL (8.4.2) converts this to the following:

> state = 'Unconfirmed'::client.order_state AND invoice_id = NULL::integer OR 
> state <> 'Unconfirmed'::client.order_state AND invoice_id <> NULL::integer

There is no "conversion" there, that means exactly the same thing.
(AND binds tighter than OR.)

I think your real problem is that you're trying to use "= NULL" and
"!= NULL" where you should say IS NULL or IS NOT NULL.

                        regards, tom lane

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