Why not to use

select subjectid, height
  from tsakai.pheno
 where height like '%.%';


> Hi everybody,
> I need a bit of help on postgres reqular expression.
> With a table of the following definition:
> Table "tsakai.pheno"
> Column | Type | Modifiers
> -----------+-------------------+-----------
> subjectid | integer | not null
> height | character varying | not null
> race | character varying | not null
> blood | character varying | not null
> I want to catch entries in height column that includes a
> decimal point. Here's my attempt:
> select subjectid, height
> from tsakai.pheno
> where height ~ '[:digit:]+.[:digit:]+';
> Which returns 0 rows, but if I get rid of where clause,
> I get rows like:
> subjectid | height
> -----------+--------
> 55379 | 70.5
> 55383 | 69
> 55395 | 70
> 56173 | 71
> 56177 | 65.5
> 56178 | 70
> . .
> . .
> And when I escape that dot after first plus sign with a backslash,
> like this:
> where height ~ '[:digit:]+\.[:digit:]+';
> then I get complaint:
> WARNING: nonstandard use of escape in a string literal
> LINE 3: where height ~ '[:digit:]+\.[:digit:]+';
> ^
> HINT: Use the escape string syntax for escapes, e.g., E'\r\n'.
> From there, it was a downward spiral descent...
> Please help.
> Thank you.
> Regards,
> Tena Sakai
> tsa...@gallo.ucsf.edu

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